HomeUncategorizedWhat 3 secrets will allow you to cook the perfect roast beef:...

What 3 secrets will allow you to cook the perfect roast beef: a note for housewives

Roast beef is traditionally considered a dish for the festive table, but nothing prevents you from serving it on ordinary days, making dinner truly special..

If you cook roast beef correctly, everyone will be delighted..

It is also worth remembering that the dish came to us from English cuisine, said our magazine’s expert on culinary issues, chef Yulia Arkhipova.

What 3 secrets are worth remembering?

Choosing a product

The basis of a successful roast beef is the highest quality meat. The piece should be quite large. Only beef with layers of fat is used for the dish.

The marinating process

Since the dish itself turns out to be quite interesting, you should not ‘complicate’ the taste and aroma with an excess of marinade components.

Limit yourself to odorless vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper and basil. This will be quite enough.


You can’t put a piece of cold meat in the oven: the dish simply won’t turn out the way you expect. Therefore, you should wait until it reaches room temperature and only then start cooking.

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