HomeUncategorizedWhat are the 3 most common mistakes when cooking pilaf: check yourself

What are the 3 most common mistakes when cooking pilaf: check yourself

There may be a lot of pilaf recipes, but the list of requirements for the finished dish will always be approximately the same..

The rice should be crumbly and aromatic, and not resemble ordinary porridge..

Therefore, it is important to get rid of the shortcomings associated with the preparation of this oriental dish, reminds our magazine’s cooking expert, chef Yulia Arkhipova.

What mistakes are important to get rid of?

Choosing rice

Not every type of rice is suitable for this dish. Usually, the manufacturer simplifies the task and makes a special note on the product packaging. Therefore, do not skip this information.

Lack of fat

Classic pilaf is cooked not only in vegetable oil: an important component is mutton fat. As a result, the pilaf becomes the right amount of fat and flavor.

Lack of spices

If you study the composition of seasonings intended for pilaf, you can see many names. Real pilaf is really cooked using a large number of spices.

So don’t forget about using spices.

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