HomePlanterWhat are the basic principles of crop rotation that should be followed:...

What are the basic principles of crop rotation that should be followed: a note for summer residents

Many people already know that crop rotation is an important condition for harvesting a quality crop..

This helps protect against many diseases and reduces the number of pests..

A correct planting plan will also reduce the amount of fertilizers used to restore the soil.

What are the basic principles that should be followed

Related plants

If crops belong to the same family, they cannot be planted after each other. In this case, the plants will not have enough nutrients.

It also increases the risk of developing diseases and causes pests to appear in large quantities.

A ‘set’ of diseases and insects

Before choosing a crop for subsequent planting, you need to conduct a comparative analysis. If plants are predisposed to the same diseases or they are liked by the same pests, then this is a bad choice.

When crop rotation is required

Despite the fact that this procedure is important and useful, it is not necessary to carry it out every year. One crop can be grown for three years.

But for the fourth season it would be wiser to find a ‘follower’.

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