HomePlanterWhat can you feed beets with in July: the main thing is...

What can you feed beets with in July: the main thing is not to miss the moment

In mid-summer, beets especially need additional nutrients to please gardeners with their healthy growth and high-quality harvest..

July is the key period for feeding this root crop, since it is now that the plants are actively developing and accumulating nutrients for the future harvest..

Mineral fertilizers for beets

In July, mineral fertilizers are especially important for beets, which will provide them with the necessary elements for growth.

Nitrogen fertilizers will help strengthen the green mass, phosphorus fertilizers will stimulate root development, and potassium fertilizers will improve the general condition of the plant and increase its resistance to diseases.

It is recommended to use complex mineral fertilizers containing all three elements in balanced proportions.

Organic fertilizers: the benefits of natural fertilizers

In July, it is best to use organic fertilizers such as compost, humus and herbal infusion to feed beets.

They not only provide the plant with the necessary nutrients, but also improve the soil structure, making it more breathable and promoting better moisture penetration.

To strengthen the immunity of beets and increase their yield, you can water them with an infusion of nettle or ash.

Microelements: additional components for the health of beets

In addition to the main macroelements, beets in July also need microelements

In mid-summer, beets especially need additional nutrients to delight gardeners with their healthy growth and quality harvest..

In July, the key period for feeding this root crop begins, since it is now that the plants are actively developing and accumulating nutrients for the future harvest..

Mineral fertilizers for beets

In July, mineral fertilizers are especially important for beets, which will provide them with the necessary elements for growth.

Nitrogen fertilizers will help strengthen the green mass, phosphorus fertilizers will stimulate the development of roots, and potassium fertilizers will improve the general condition of the plant and increase its resistance to diseases.

It is recommended to use complex mineral fertilizers containing all three elements in balanced proportions.

Organic fertilizers: the benefits of natural fertilizers

In July, it is best to use organic fertilizers such as compost, humus and herbal infusion to feed beets.

They not only provide the plant with the necessary nutrients, but also improve the soil structure, making it more breathable and facilitating better moisture penetration.

To strengthen the immunity of beets and increase their productivity, you can water them with infusion of nettle or ash.

Microelements: additional components for beet health

In addition to the main macroelements, beets also need microelements in July.Boron, magnesium and manganese play a key role in the formation of healthy root crops.

For example, a lack of boron can lead to the formation of voids inside the root crops, which significantly worsens the quality of the crop.

Feeding can be done by spraying plants with aqueous solutions of micronutrients.

Folk methods of feeding beets

Many experienced gardeners prefer to use folk methods of feeding that have stood the test of time.

One of these methods is watering beets with a yeast solution. Yeast promotes active root growth and improves the absorption of nutrients from the soil.

To prepare the solution, dilute 100 grams of yeast in 10 liters of water and leave for several hours before use.

Fertilizers from ash infusion

Wood ash infusion is another effective means for feeding beets in July. Ash contains potassium, calcium and phosphorus, which are important for plant health.

Preparing the infusion is simple: pour 2 glasses of ash with 10 liters of water and leave for 24 hours. This infusion can not only be used to water plants, but also to spray their leaves.

The importance of proper watering and care

In addition to feeding, it is equally important to provide beets with proper watering and care. On hot July days, plants need regular and abundant watering, especially during the period of active growth.

The soil should be moist, but not waterlogged, to avoid root rot. Mulching the soil will help retain moisture and improve its structure.

We previously talked about feeding peppers with millet.

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