HomeUncategorizedWhat mushrooms can be picked in September and what to cook from...

What mushrooms can be picked in September and what to cook from them: options for delicious dishes

We can confidently say that the mushroom season is in full swing.

In September, you can return from a quiet hunt with a catch of porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, milk mushrooms, russula, saffron milk caps, butter mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, birch boletes and moss mushrooms.

When heading into the forest, remember that there are inedible mushrooms that disguise themselves as their edible counterparts, and quite successfully. To avoid making a mistake, pay attention to a number of external signs that are typical of edible mushrooms: they have a natural and uniform color, they do not change color after being cut and do not have a «skirt» on the stem.

Expert of the online publication «BelNovosti», chef Yulia Arkhipova recommends picking medium-sized mushrooms – very small ones should be given the opportunity to grow up, while overgrown mushrooms, most likely, already have something to eat – we are talking, of course, about insects.

Due to the fact that the collected mushrooms spoil quite quickly, do not put off their processing for later – September mushrooms can serve as an excellent basis for preparing a variety of delicious dishes.

Porcini mushrooms can be boiled and then fried in a frying pan – as a result, you can also serve a rich mushroom broth for dinner.

They can also be served with potatoes, rice, pearl barley, pasta, cream, eggplant and cauliflower.

You can do the same with chanterelles by frying them.Alternatively, use them to make cream soup, crepe soup, quiche, frittata, casserole, or add to dough when baking bread.

Honey mushrooms are often used to make aromatic roasts, while milk mushrooms are usually marinated, and saffron milk caps are salted.

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