Not everyone likes to drink coffee without sugar, as the drink seems too bitter to them..
But it is worth understanding that a true gourmet will never add sugar..
Because of this component, coffee loses its uniqueness and tastes like a cheap instant drink, notes our magazine’s culinary expert, chef Yulia Arkhipova.
Also, sugar deprives the drink of its health benefits.
What can replace this component?
Coconut milk
If you haven’t tried this plant-based drink yet, it’s time to fix the situation. Coconut milk always has a sweetish taste, so you won’t even think about adding sugar.
Maple syrup
This is an option for true gourmets, since only they can find a bottle of natural maple syrup at home. This is a unique product with special taste qualities and a whole list of useful properties.
Therefore, it can be safely used as a substitute for sugar.
Jerusalem artichoke syrup
This is another unique product that has great potential. The syrup is sweet enough, so you won’t need sugar.
But the health benefits will be great.