A side dish based on rice cereal is ideal for any dish..
However, every housewife has probably encountered the fact that even an expensive, high-quality product does not always turn out crumbly and tasty..
Therefore, our magazine’s expert on cooking issues, chef Yulia Arkhipova, advises adding special secret ingredients to the pot when cooking a side dish.
What additives are we talking about?
Green tea
Many will be surprised by the fact that green tea has a very powerful effect on rice. The cereal turns out incredibly crumbly and beautiful.
One bag is enough for a standard portion of rice.
The component should be added immediately after boiling.
Jasmine tea
This option is ideal for those who love gourmet cuisine. Jasmine tea will make the rice truly unique. The side dish comes out perfect from an aesthetic point of view: the grains look whole and do not boil over.
Jasmine tea also imparts a subtle aroma and flavor.