Every year, summer residents face the problem of blackening of tomato, cucumber, pepper and other plant leaves..
According to the expert of the online publication ‘BelNovosti’, scientist-agronomist, landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh, the cause may be caused by bacterial infections, especially if the blackness spreads along the veins..
Another reason for blackening may be diseases. These include alternaria or early spotting of tomatoes and potatoes, in which black spots appear.
Of course, in these cases, you should treat the diseases.
But the reason may be different – in the preparations used by the gardener.
Let’s illustrate with an example: let’s assume that you treated the plantings with a copper preparation or fed with iron, including a chelate.
We are talking about such products as ‘Abiga-PIK’, ‘Oksikhom’, ‘Hom’, ‘Indigo’, Bordeaux mixture, etc. , as well as iron chelate, iron sulfate or homemade chelate – iron sulfate with citric acid.
Then, after some time, sulfur-based preparations were used to combat spider mites, powdery mildew and other diseases (PFC-Leros, etc.).
As a result, blackness appears along the veins.
This situation does not require intervention – this is a normal chemical reaction. The resulting black copper and iron sulfides are not toxic to plants.
Earlier, we answered the question of whether it is true that mineral fertilizers increase soil acidity.