HomePlanterWhat to do with cabbage right now so that the heads grow...

What to do with cabbage right now so that the heads grow strong and juicy: the main tricks

Now you can influence the quality of the cabbage harvest: summer residents have enough time for this..

However, it is always worth knowing which procedures are really necessary..

What to do with cabbage right now?

Provide the vegetable with moisture

If the cabbage does not receive enough water, the heads may simply not form. If you add moisture with long breaks, the heads will crack.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to weather conditions. If September is dry, then you need to water the crop on a regular basis.

But 3 weeks before harvesting, you will need to completely stop watering.

Nutrient substances

Cabbage still needs to be supplemented with nutrients, which you need to remember. It is worth paying attention to a proven remedy, which will be the best option.

For a bucket of water, you will need to take two spoons of superphosphate, potassium sulfate and magnesium sulfate.

After preparing the composition, we use a bucket of fertilizer for each square meter.

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