HomePlanterWhat to do with thujas in early autumn: the most important procedures...

What to do with thujas in early autumn: the most important procedures are named

Many people grow thujas on their plots, since this significantly improves the visual perception of the dacha..

However, it is important to ensure that the plants look aesthetically pleasing and are healthy..

For this reason, it is important to carry out special procedures in early autumn.

What to do with thujas?


It is extremely important to assess the appearance of the trees. If you notice dried or yellow areas, they should be removed. Also remove clearly lifeless branches.

All other areas can be left alone.

Abundant watering

It is extremely important to give the thuja the required amount of water in early autumn. A fairly large volume will be required. One adult thuja can take up to eight buckets of water.

When watering, make an indentation of 20 centimeters from the trunk.


You can choose any type of complex compositions for thuja. You can also turn to natural remedies. For example, you can treat the tree with compost. About three kilograms of fertilizer are needed for each square meter.

You can also take ash. It is best to prepare any infusions based on this component.

Many people grow thujas on their plots, since this significantly improves the visual perception of the dacha..

However, it is important to ensure that the plants look aesthetically pleasing and are healthy..

For this reason, it is important to carry out special procedures in early autumn.

What to do with thujas?


It is extremely important to assess the appearance of the trees. If you notice dried or yellow areas, they should be removed. Also remove clearly lifeless branches.

All other areas can be left alone.

Abundant watering

It is extremely important to give the thuja the required amount of water in early autumn. A fairly large volume will be required. One adult thuja can take up to eight buckets of water.

When watering, make an indentation of 20 centimeters from the trunk.


You can choose any type of complex compositions for thuja. You can also turn to natural remedies. For example, you can treat the tree with compost. About three kilograms of fertilizer are needed for each square meter.

You can also take ash. It is best to prepare any infusions based on this component.

Many people grow thujas on their plots, since this significantly improves the visual perception of the dacha..

However, it is important to ensure that the plants look aesthetically pleasing and are healthy..

For this reason, it is important to carry out special procedures in early autumn.

What to do with thujas?


It is extremely important to assess the appearance of the trees. If you notice dried or yellow areas, they should be removed. Also remove clearly lifeless branches.

All other areas can be left alone.

Abundant watering

It is extremely important to give the thuja the required amount of water in early autumn. A fairly large volume will be required. One adult thuja can take up to eight buckets of water.

When watering, make an indentation of 20 centimeters from the trunk.


You can choose any type of complex compositions for thuja. You can also turn to natural remedies. For example, you can treat the tree with compost. About three kilograms of fertilizer are needed for each square meter.

You can also take ash. It is best to prepare any infusions based on this component.

Many people grow thujas on their plots, since this significantly improves the visual perception of the dacha..

However, it is important to ensure that the plants look aesthetically pleasing and are healthy..

For this reason, it is important to carry out special procedures in early autumn.

What to do with thujas?


It is extremely important to assess the appearance of the trees. If you notice dried or yellow areas, they should be removed. Also remove clearly lifeless branches.

All other areas can be left alone.

Abundant watering

It is extremely important to give the thuja the required amount of water in early autumn. A fairly large volume will be required. One adult thuja can take up to eight buckets of water.

When watering, make an indentation of 20 centimeters from the trunk.


You can choose any type of complex compositions for thujas. You can also turn to natural remedies

Many people grow thujas on their plots, since this significantly improves the visual perception of the dacha..

However, it is important to ensure that the plants look aesthetically pleasing and are healthy..

For this reason, it is important to carry out special procedures in early autumn.

What to do with thujas?


It is extremely important to assess the appearance of the trees. If you notice dried or yellow areas, they should be removed. Also remove clearly lifeless branches.

All other areas can be left alone.

Abundant watering

It is extremely important to give the thuja the required amount of water at the beginning of autumn

Many people grow thujas on their plots, since this significantly improves the visual perception of the dacha..

However, it is important to ensure that the plants look aesthetically pleasing and are healthy..

For this reason, it is important to carry out special procedures at the beginning of autumn.

What to do with thujas?


It is extremely important to assess the appearance of the trees. If you notice dried or yellow areas, they should be removed.We also remove obviously lifeless branches.

All other areas can be left alone.

Abundant watering

It is extremely important to give the thuja the required amount of water in early autumn. A fairly large volume will be required. One adult thuja can take up to eight buckets of water.

When watering, make an indentation of 20 centimeters from the trunk.


You can choose any type of complex compositions for thuja. You can also turn to natural remedies.For example, you can treat the tree with compost. About three kilograms of fertilizer are needed for each square meter.

You can also take ash. It is best to prepare any infusions based on this component.

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