HomePlanterWhat to do with zucchini so that they bear fruit before the...

What to do with zucchini so that they bear fruit before the frost: summer residents revealed the secrets

Towards the end of August, all summer residents should think about how to extend the fruiting of zucchini..

After all, harvesting before the cold weather is a really achievable goal..

What needs to be done for this


It is important to understand that by the end of summer, the immunity of plants decreases, and unfavorable weather conditions set in. Therefore, zucchini can start to get sick.

It is important to periodically carry out all the necessary treatments.

Leaves and vines

You need to inspect the bed on a regular basis. If you find poor-quality foliage or vines, you should remove them. In this case, the plant will not waste energy trying to cure and restore them.


It is also worth understanding that you will not be able to leave all the zucchini in the bed. If you want the harvest to be long and abundant, it is important to periodically thin out.


It is important to remember that zucchini resources are limited. Therefore, they should be fed with various suitable compounds so that a deficiency of nutrients does not occur.

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