Various vegetables are grown on each garden plot, and cucumbers are a must.
Their fruiting period is long and has several waves that bring a good harvest of tasty gherkins.
After the previous wave of fruiting, cucumbers are in a short respite, gaining strength for the next wave.
It is during this period that you need to help them and feed them with fertilizer containing useful elements.
And this needs to be done after each wave, then you can count on an excellent and wonderful harvest of cucumbers, which will be enough not only for your own consumption, but also for sale.
We suggest finding out what to feed cucumbers in August.
To do this, carry out alternate feeding of the plant.
First foliar, and then root, and do this once every 14 days. However, if the weather worsens, then it is worth carrying out such feeding weekly.
Foliar feeding
Dissolve 1 liter of fresh milk or whey in 9 liters of water and add 15-20 drops of regular pharmacy iodine.
Then spray the cucumber plantings on the outer and inner side of the leaf.
If the cucumbers are infected with a fungal disease, prepare an infusion of onion peel.
Root feeding
At this stage, the plant needs fertilizer containing potassium and phosphorus. Potassium nitrate is suitable for this.
Various vegetables are grown on each garden plot, and cucumbers are a must.
Their fruiting period is long and has several waves that bring a good harvest of tasty gherkins.
After the previous wave of fruiting, cucumbers are in a short respite, gaining strength for the next wave.
It is during this period that you need to help them and feed them with fertilizer containing useful elements.
And this needs to be done after each wave, then you can count on an excellent and wonderful harvest of cucumbers, which will be enough not only for your own consumption, but also for sale.
We suggest finding out what to feed cucumbers in August.
To do this, carry out alternate feeding of the plant.
First foliar, and then root, and do this once every 14 days. However, if the weather worsens, then it is worth carrying out such feeding weekly.
Foliar feeding
Dissolve 1 liter of fresh milk or whey in 9 liters of water and add 15-20 drops of regular pharmacy iodine.
Then spray the cucumber plantings on the outer and inner side of the leaf.
If the cucumbers are infected with a fungal disease, prepare an infusion of onion peel.
Root feeding
At this stage, the plant needs fertilizer containing potassium and phosphorus. Potassium nitrate is suitable for this.
Various vegetables are grown on each garden plot, and cucumbers are a must.
Their fruiting period is long and has several waves that bring a good harvest of tasty gherkins.
After the previous wave of fruiting, cucumbers are in a short respite, gaining strength for the next wave.
It is during this period that you need to help them and feed them with fertilizer containing useful elements.
And this needs to be done after each wave, then you can count on an excellent and wonderful harvest of cucumbers, which will be enough not only for your own consumption, but also for sale.
We suggest finding out what to feed cucumbers in August.
To do this, carry out alternate feeding of the plant.
First foliar, and then root, and do this once every 14 days. However, if the weather worsens, then it is worth carrying out such feeding weekly.
Foliar feeding
Dissolve 1 liter of fresh milk or whey in 9 liters of water and add 15-20 drops of regular pharmacy iodine.
Then spray the cucumber plantings on the outer and inner side of the leaf.
If the cucumbers are infected with a fungal disease, prepare an infusion of onion peel.
Various vegetables are grown on each garden plot, and cucumbers are a must.
Their fruiting period is long and has several waves that bring a good harvest of tasty gherkins.
After the previous wave of fruiting, cucumbers are in a short respite, gaining strength for the next wave.
It is during this period that you need to help them and feed them with fertilizer containing useful elements.
And this needs to be done after each wave, then you can count on an excellent and wonderful harvest of cucumbers, which will be enough not only for your own consumption, but also for sale.
We suggest finding out what to feed cucumbers in August.
To do this, carry out alternate feeding of the plant.
First foliar, then root, and do this once every 14 days
Various vegetables are grown on each garden plot, and cucumbers are a must.
Their fruiting period is long and has several waves that bring a good harvest of tasty gherkins.
After the previous wave of fruiting, cucumbers are in a short respite, gaining strength for the next wave.
It is during this period that you need to help them and feed them with fertilizer containing useful elements.
And this needs to be done after each wave, then you can count on an excellent and wonderful harvest of cucumbers, which will be enough not only for your own consumption, but also for sale
Various vegetables are grown on each garden plot, and cucumbers are a must.
Their fruiting period is long and has several waves that bring a good harvest of tasty gherkins.
After the previous wave of fruiting, cucumbers are in a short respite, gaining strength for the next wave.
It is during this period that you need to help them and feed them with fertilizer containing useful elements.
And this needs to be done after each wave, then you can count on an excellent and wonderful harvest of cucumbers, which will be enough not only for your own consumption, but also for sale.
We suggest finding out what to feed cucumbers in August.
To do this, carry out alternate feeding of the plant.
First foliar, and then root, and do this once every 14 days.However, if the weather worsens, it is worth doing such feeding weekly.
Foliar feeding
Dissolve 1 liter of fresh milk or whey in 9 liters of water and add 15-20 drops of regular pharmacy iodine.
Then spray the cucumber plantings on the outer and inner side of the leaf.
If the cucumbers are infected with a fungal disease, prepare an infusion of onion peel.
Root feeding
At this stage, the plant needs fertilizer containing potassium and phosphorus.Potassium nitrate is suitable for this.
Dilute 2 tablespoons of fertilizer in 10 liters of water and water the plants at the roots.
From folk remedies, use wood ash.
To do this, dissolve 1 liter of ash in 10 liters of water and leave to infuse for several hours. Next, you need to strain and water the plants at the roots.