HomePlanterWhen to harvest potatoes: a few nuances will help preserve the harvest

When to harvest potatoes: a few nuances will help preserve the harvest

Harvesting potatoes is a simple matter, but the safety of the tubers depends on some nuances..

There are several important nuances that will help resolve this issue..

Our magazine expert Anastasia Kovrizhnykh – a scientist agronomist, landscape designer, reminded summer residents of the most important thing.

When to harvest

In addition to ripening times, you need to pay attention to weather conditions. It is best to start work on a dry and clear day.

How to harvest

There is one popular option – digging with a shovel.

But this can cut up large tubers, which are then unsuitable for long-term storage.

Therefore, it is better to use a pitchfork and dig up the potatoes with it about 30 centimeters from the stem.

What else should be remembered

Potatoes cannot be thrown away – broken ones spoil faster and it is important to sort the crop immediately after harvesting.

To avoid buying seeds again, from the bushes that have yielded smooth tubers, select seed material – no larger than average in size.

After harvesting, dry the potatoes for several hours in the shade, and not in direct sunlight.

Don’t forget to periodically check the safety of the crop after storing it. After all, one spoiled tuber can cause neighboring ones to rot.

Harvesting potatoes is a simple matter, but the safety of the tubers depends on some nuances..

There are several important nuances that will help resolve this issue..

Our magazine expert Anastasia Kovrizhnykh – a scientist agronomist, landscape designer, reminded summer residents of the most important thing.

When to harvest

In addition to ripening times, you need to pay attention to weather conditions. It is best to start work on a dry and clear day.

How to harvest

There is one popular option – digging with a shovel.

But this can cut up large tubers, which are then unsuitable for long-term storage.

Therefore, it is better to use a pitchfork and dig up the potatoes with it about 30 centimeters from the stem.

What else should be remembered

Potatoes cannot be thrown away – broken ones spoil faster and it is important to sort the crop immediately after harvesting.

To avoid buying seeds again, from the bushes that have yielded smooth tubers, select seed material – no larger than average in size.

After harvesting, dry the potatoes for several hours in the shade, and not in direct sunlight.

Don’t forget to periodically check the safety of the crop after storing it. After all, one spoiled tuber can cause neighboring ones to rot.

Harvesting potatoes is a simple matter, but the safety of the tubers depends on some nuances..

There are several important nuances that will help resolve this issue..

Our magazine expert Anastasia Kovrizhnykh – a scientist agronomist, landscape designer, reminded summer residents of the most important thing.

When to harvest

In addition to ripening times, you need to pay attention to weather conditions. It is best to start work on a dry and clear day.

How to harvest

There is one popular option – digging with a shovel.

But this can cut up large tubers, which are then unsuitable for long-term storage.

Therefore, it is better to use a pitchfork and dig up the potatoes with it about 30 centimeters from the stem.

What else should be remembered

Potatoes cannot be thrown away – broken ones spoil faster and it is important to sort the crop immediately after harvesting.

To avoid buying seeds again, from the bushes that have yielded smooth tubers, select seed material – no larger than average in size.

After harvesting, dry the potatoes for several hours in the shade, and not in direct sunlight.

Don’t forget to periodically check the safety of the crop after storing it. After all, one spoiled tuber can cause neighboring ones to rot.

Harvesting potatoes is a simple matter, but the safety of the tubers depends on some nuances..

There are several important nuances that will help resolve this issue..

Our magazine expert Anastasia Kovrizhnykh – a scientist agronomist, landscape designer, reminded summer residents of the most important thing.

When to harvest

In addition to ripening times, you need to pay attention to weather conditions. It is best to start work on a dry and clear day.

How to harvest

There is one popular option – digging with a shovel.

But this can chop up large tubers, which are then unsuitable for long-term storage.

Therefore, it is better to use a pitchfork and dig up the potatoes with it about 30 centimeters from the stem.

What else you need to remember

Potatoes cannot be thrown away – broken ones spoil faster and it is important to sort the crop immediately after harvesting.

To avoid buying seeds again, from the bushes that have yielded smooth tubers, select seed material – no larger than average in size.

After harvesting, dry the potatoes for several hours in the shade, and not in direct sunlight.

Don’t forget to periodically check the safety of the crop after storing it. After all, one spoiled tuber can cause neighboring ones to rot.

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