HomePlanterWhen to prune gooseberries and how to do it right: get it...

When to prune gooseberries and how to do it right: get it done before autumn

Almost all perennial crops are subject to pruning at the end of the season. Summer residents consider it their duty to prune raspberries, currants and fruit trees..

Gooseberries are not given special attention, and in vain. After all, the harvest of healthy berries largely depends on this procedure..

Our magazine expert Anastasia Kovrizhnykh, an agronomist and landscape designer, told us how and when to prune gooseberries.

Get it done before the end of August

Any perennial plant can benefit from rejuvenating pruning.

1. Therefore, before the end of August, you need to remove old shoots on the bush that thicken the bush and do not produce berries.

2. You also need to trim shoots affected by pests and diseases and those that lie on the ground.

3. You can carry out formative pruning, but it is important to remember that at the end of the procedure, at least 18-20 healthy shoots of different ages should remain on the bush.

Which bushes to trim

In August, bushes that are 6-7 years old are trimmed.

Young seedlings are trimmed in the spring, after planting and annually before the beginning of the growing season.

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