HomeUncategorizedWhy add soda and sugar when frying onions: not all housewives know

Why add soda and sugar when frying onions: not all housewives know

Many people think that frying onions is the simplest culinary task, which even a person without experience can easily handle..

However, everyone’s onions turn out different..

It is worth understanding that the quality of the whole dish will largely depend on this component, says our magazine’s expert on culinary issues, chef Yulia Arkhipova.

Therefore, some experienced housewives introduce special additional components in the process of frying onions.

What does this give

The role of soda

If you add just one pinch of soda, the fried onions will literally be transformed. The vegetable will have a beautiful color and a very pleasant flavor.

Soda also neutralizes the specific smell of onions.

Why add sugar

But this culinary trick will allow you to pamper yourself with real caramelized onions, which will become the ‘highlight’ of any dish.

It is enough to add half a teaspoon of sugar for a positive effect.

In addition to regular sugar, you can also introduce cane and brown varieties.

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