HomePlanterWhy do gardeners need tomato tops: another way to benefit from them...

Why do gardeners need tomato tops: another way to benefit from them after harvesting

Thrifty gardeners never throw away tomato tops. The only exception is when the plant is affected by diseases.

Experience suggests that the tops can be useful even after there are no tomatoes left on them.

If you believe the folk advice, then after harvesting the tomatoes, the remaining seedlings can be crushed and this mass can be used to protect garden crops from rodents.

The plant can also cope with the unpleasant smell in the country toilet.

There is another option for using tomato tops.

How to proceed

You should collect the remains of vegetation from the tomato bed and let them dry for several days.

Then all that remains is to pile them up and burn them, and use the resulting ash as fertilizer.

Gardeners claim that, according to its characteristics, tomato ash is a more valuable product than wood ash.

It contains a lot of micro- and macroelements, which are also easily absorbed.

Tomato ash is added to the soil in the fall with subsequent incorporation, both in the vegetable garden and in the garden.

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