HomePlanterWhy fry lemons in a frying pan: this is the first stage...

Why fry lemons in a frying pan: this is the first stage of preparing a delicious dish

Imagine a situation: the housewife cut the lemons into slices and sent them to a heated frying pan..

What is this – a meaningless action or the beginning of preparing something delicious?.

It turns out that the second option is correct.

Fried lemons are one of the ingredients of a very appetizing pie.

The recipe for this dish was shared by Yulia Arkhipova, an expert in the Belnovosti network publication in the field of cooking, a cook, and a fourth-class baker.

How to make a delicious lemon pie

First, the citrus fruit must be doused with cold water, and then with boiling water.

The «processed» and slightly cooled lemon should be cut into slices.

Next, you need to prepare a frying pan: pour half a glass of water onto it, add 100 grams of granulated sugar to the liquid and place the pan on the burner that is on.

As soon as the thick syrup appears, place the previously prepared lemon slices into the frying pan.The latter need to be fried on both sides.

The next step is preparing the dough.It should consist of the following components: granulated sugar (100 grams), softened butter (90 grams), raw eggs (3 pieces), flour (140 grams), baking powder (1 tsp.l.).

First, combine the first two ingredients, process them with a mixer, and then add all the other products mentioned above.

After thorough mixing, you will get a dough.It needs to be poured into a baking dish, at the bottom of which there are already previously fried lemon slices.

The dish should be baked in the oven for 45 minutes. The temperature should be 180 degrees.

Earlier, gourmets were told how to cook country-style scrambled eggs.

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