HomePlanterWhy gardeners shouldn't throw away tea leaves: they can be used at...

Why gardeners shouldn’t throw away tea leaves: they can be used at the dacha

What do you usually do with the tea leaves after drinking tea? Just throw them in the trash?.

This is the right move if you are not a gardener..

But if you have a country plot, then you are making a gross mistake.

The fact is that tea leaves are a great ‘garden’ remedy.

These crushed leaves can be used as fertilizer and mulch.

How to properly collect tea leaves

It is most convenient to do this during the ‘dacha off-season’.

Collect tea leaves in late autumn, winter and early spring.

Dry the crushed leaves and store them for several months.

How to use tea leaves in the country

As mentioned above, this mass can be used as mulch: just cover the soil with it. The result will be an improvement in the condition of the soil.

You can also put dried tea leaves in a hole before planting a particular plant: the garden crop will receive many useful components for it.

In other words, crushed tea leaves will act as fertilizer in this case.

What do you usually do with the tea leaves after drinking tea? Just throw them in the trash?.

This is the right move if you are not a gardener..

But if you have a country plot, then you are making a gross mistake.

The fact is that tea leaves are a great ‘garden’ remedy.

These crushed leaves can be used as fertilizer and mulch.

How to properly collect tea leaves

It is most convenient to do this during the ‘dacha off-season’.

Collect tea leaves in late autumn, winter and early spring.

Dry the crushed leaves and store them for several months.

How to use tea leaves in the country

As mentioned above, this mass can be used as mulch: just cover the soil with it. The result will be an improvement in the condition of the soil.

You can also put dried tea leaves in a hole before planting a particular plant: the garden crop will receive many useful components for it.

In other words, crushed tea leaves will act as fertilizer in this case.

What do you usually do with the tea leaves after drinking tea? Just throw them in the trash?.

This is the right move if you are not a gardener..

But if you have a country plot, then you are making a gross mistake.

The fact is that tea leaves are a great ‘garden’ remedy.

These crushed leaves can be used as fertilizer and mulch.

How to properly collect tea leaves

It is most convenient to do this during the ‘dacha off-season’.

Collect tea leaves in late autumn, winter and early spring.

Dry the crushed leaves and store them for several months.

How to use tea leaves in the country

As mentioned above, this mass can be used as mulch: just cover the soil with it. The result will be an improvement in the condition of the soil.

You can also put dried tea leaves in a hole before planting a particular plant: the garden crop will receive many useful components for it.

In other words, crushed tea leaves will act as fertilizer in this case.

What do you usually do with the tea leaves after drinking tea? Just throw them in the trash?.

This is the right move if you are not a gardener..

But if you have a country plot, then you are making a gross mistake.

The fact is that tea leaves are a great ‘garden’ remedy.

These crushed leaves can be used as fertilizer and mulch.

How to properly collect tea leaves

It is most convenient to do this during the ‘dacha off-season’.

Collect tea leaves in late autumn, winter and early spring.

Dry the crushed leaves and store them for several months.

How to use tea leaves in the country

As mentioned above, this mass can be used as mulch: just cover the soil with it. The result will be an improvement in the condition of the soil.

What do you usually do with the tea leaves after drinking tea? Just throw them in the trash?.

This is the right move if you are not a gardener..

But if you have a country plot, then you are making a gross mistake.

The fact is that tea leaves are a great ‘garden’ remedy.

These crushed leaves can be used as fertilizer and mulch.

How to properly collect tea leaves

It is most convenient to do this during the ‘dacha off-season’.

Collect tea leaves in late autumn, winter and early spring.

Dry the crushed leaves and store them for several months.

How to use tea leaves in the country

As mentioned above, this mass can be used as mulch: just cover the soil with it. The result will be an improvement in the condition of the soil.

And also dried tea leaves can be sent to the hole before planting this or that plant: the garden crop will receive many useful components for it.

In other words, crushed tea leaves will act in this case as fertilizer.

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