HomePlanterWhy meat should not be marinated for longer than 12 hours: an...

Why meat should not be marinated for longer than 12 hours: an unpleasant consequence – every gourmet needs to know about this

There is a culinary myth: ‘The longer meat is marinated, the more tender and appetizing it becomes.’.

Unfortunately, many gourmets pay attention to this ‘rule’ and leave pieces in the marinade for a long time..

Sometimes the marinating period is 12 hours, or even more. This is very bad!

Do not keep meat in an acidic liquid for too long, otherwise you will get an unsuccessful dish.

This recommendation was shared by the expert of the online publication ‘Belnovosti’ in the field of cooking, cook, fourth-category baker Yulia Arkhipova.

Why you can’t marinate meat for too long

Too long a stay of meat in an acidic environment changes the consistency of the product for the worse.

The texture of long-softened pieces of meat is destroyed: they become tough again.

As a result, the finished dish turns out ‘rubbery’: no tenderness and juiciness.

To avoid this result, do not marinate the meat for longer than 12 hours.

In most cases, half an hour is enough for the meat pieces to acquire the desired consistency and become as soft as possible.

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