HomePlanterWhy smart gardeners collect plastic bottles: with the help of these containers,...

Why smart gardeners collect plastic bottles: with the help of these containers, you can protect many plants

Many people think that empty plastic bottles are just trash.

But experienced gardeners think completely differently.

They know that plastic containers can be useful in a country house.

That is why experienced gardeners do not throw away, but collect bottles of different sizes: liter, one and a half liter, two liter, five liter.

How to use plastic bottles in the country

Such containers can act as. protective devices.

Thus, plastic bottles can easily be turned into ‘armor’ that protects garden and vegetable crops from such dangerous pests as slugs.

You need to take a container, cut off its bottom and top.

As a result, you will get a tube, on the upper ring of which you need to make numerous teeth.

In other words, the upper part of the device must be sharp.

Dig the resulting tube into the ground so that the well-fixed device completely surrounds the vulnerable crop.

The sharp barrier will prevent slugs from reaching the plant.

Thus, any summer resident has the opportunity to save the harvest using ordinary plastic bottles.

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