If during the analysis of the growth of vegetable beds you noticed that the tomatoes began to crack, you need to urgently establish the cause..
Such a harvest will not be possible to store or prepare..
It is always important to remember that tomatoes will not ‘crack’ without a reason.
What should you pay attention to?
Do not ‘flood’ tomatoes with water
Many people think that during the fruiting period, tomatoes’ need for moisture increases. Therefore, they begin to increase the volume of water.
As a result, tomatoes crack right in the garden bed.
Remember that the only signal for watering can be the condition of the soil: as soon as the soil becomes dry, we begin watering. There is no need to increase the volume of water.
You cannot ‘overfeed’ tomatoes
It is not for nothing that experienced gardeners have feeding schemes. If you add more nutrients than required, the results can be unpredictable.
At best, tomatoes will crack.
However, there are cases when tomatoes become a real chemical table, so eating them is simply dangerous to health.