After the umbrellas appear, dill, as a rule, begins to quickly lose its leaf mass..
However, this can be prevented. You just need to resort to a little trick.
We tell you how to plant dill so that it produces greenery all summer.
How to plant dill correctly
The main rule is to plant dill not in rows, but in bunches.
We make holes 10-15 centimeters in size, place dill seeds in them, cover with soil, water.
It is also extremely important to properly prepare the planting material.
The seeds need to be placed in gauze bags and soaked in hot water for 3 days (temperature – 50 degrees).
The water must be changed at least 5 times a day. Then we place the seeds on a damp cloth, cover with a damp cloth and keep at room temperature until shoots appear (about 5 days).
Next, the seeds need to be dried: hang the bags in a well-ventilated place for half an hour.