HomePlanterWhat components should not be added to compost: fertilizer will turn into...

What components should not be added to compost: fertilizer will turn into poison

Compost has become one of the most popular types of fertilizer, so almost everyone is engaged in its production..

Some people are mistaken when they think that any waste can be added to the pit..

As it turns out, some additives can turn compost into real poison.

What should not be added to compost?

Fat with oil

Such products may seem harmless for compost, but this is not so: the fact is that they become bait for various kinds of pests.

Therefore, you should not add them to the compost.


It is important to remember that any dairy or meat products should not be added to the compost. Eggs should not be added either.

You can add some shells, but you should take into account the fact that they take a long time to decompose.


Many people consider this type of building material to be harmless, but this is unfair. The fact is that over time it accumulates a large number of harmful elements.

There is also information about the potential toxicity of even new drywall.

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