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What to do if potatoes don’t fry well: here’s what will make the dish golden brown – the secret ingredient

Sometimes gourmets face this problem: during frying, potato pieces just don’t want to turn golden..

Perhaps the problem is in the wrong type of nightshade..

It is possible that the potatoes don’t fry well because of a cook’s mistake: perhaps he poured too many potato slices into the pan or added salt too early.

In any case, the problem can be solved.

Potatoes will acquire a golden color thanks to one secret ingredient, which was told by the expert of the online publication ‘Belnovosti’ in the field of cooking, cook, fourth-category baker Yulia Arkhipova.

A secret ingredient for golden-brown potatoes

If, while frying potato sticks or slices, you realized that the dish does not become golden, use butter.

20-30 grams of this product is enough for the potatoes to begin to change their color to a more beautiful one.

Throw a piece of butter into the pan, mix the contents of the pan well and turn up the heat on the stove a little.

The effect will be noticeable after a couple of minutes.

The result will be well-fried, golden brown and crispy potatoes. It is also worth emphasizing that thanks to the butter, the dish will become much more appetizing.

Earlier, the expert told how to cook pilaf from pasta.

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