HomeUncategorizedHow many minutes should you brew coffee in a Turk: the taste...

How many minutes should you brew coffee in a Turk: the taste and invigorating qualities of the drink greatly depend on this

Those who use a coffee machine to make coffee, just follow the instructions included with it to get a tasty and aromatic drink..

But if you prefer coffee made in a Turk (cezve), then the expert of the online publication ‘BelNovosti’, chef Yulia Arkhipova advises to carefully monitor the time and temperature – the final result greatly depends on these parameters.

How long to brew coffee in a Turk

To make coffee in a cezve, first place the ground beans and sugar in it. After that, fill the container with water so that the liquid reaches the narrowest part of the neck, and then put it on the stove, turning on low heat.

Turkish recipes for making coffee in a Turk traditionally use a ratio of 1 gram of freshly ground powder per 10 milliliters of water.

Sugar is added to taste.

When you see foam on the surface, immediately remove the Turk from the heat and wait 1-2 minutes for the coffee to cool.

After the specified time, place the cezve back on the stove and repeat the entire cycle twice.

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