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How to use apple cider vinegar and citric acid in the garden: not everyone knows about it

Sometimes you can hear very original advice from experienced gardeners, which turns out to be incredibly useful..

For example, sometimes some unexpected products can be used in the garden..

What two secrets are worth knowing

Using apple cider vinegar

This product can be used to acidify the soil if necessary. It is also a basic product in the case when you need to increase the likelihood of absorption of other nutrients.

This product is used if your fertilizers do not bring any results.

It is recommended to take about 700 ml of apple cider vinegar and 50 ml of ammonia per bucket of water.

Then we water, using four glasses of the product per square meter of plantings.

Citric acid

For exactly the same purpose, you can use a cheaper analogue – citric acid. It is recommended to take a spoon of ammonia and citric acid per bucket of water. Make sure that the crystals are completely dissolved.

No more than five glasses of the product are needed per square meter.

These products can be used to care for any crops. It is also recommended to use the compositions for prevention.

Sometimes you can hear very original advice from experienced gardeners, which turns out to be incredibly useful..

For example, sometimes some unexpected products can be used in the garden..

What two secrets are worth knowing

Using apple cider vinegar

This product can be used to acidify the soil if necessary. It is also a basic product in the case when you need to increase the likelihood of absorption of other nutrients.

This product is used if your fertilizers do not bring any results.

It is recommended to take about 700 ml of apple cider vinegar and 50 ml of ammonia per bucket of water.

Then we water, using four glasses of the product per square meter of plantings.

Citric acid

For exactly the same purpose, you can use a cheaper analogue – citric acid. It is recommended to take a spoon of ammonia and citric acid per bucket of water. Make sure that the crystals are completely dissolved.

No more than five glasses of the product are needed per square meter.

These products can be used to care for any crops. It is also recommended to use the compositions for prevention.

Sometimes you can hear very original advice from experienced gardeners, which turns out to be incredibly useful..

For example, sometimes some unexpected products can be used in the garden..

What two secrets are worth knowing

Using apple cider vinegar

This product can be used to acidify the soil if necessary. It is also a basic product in the case when you need to increase the likelihood of absorption of other nutrients.

This product is used if your fertilizers do not bring any results.

It is recommended to take about 700 ml of apple cider vinegar and 50 ml of ammonia per bucket of water.

Then we water, using four glasses of the product per square meter of plantings.

Citric acid

For exactly the same purpose, you can use a cheaper analogue – citric acid. It is recommended to take a spoon of ammonia and citric acid per bucket of water. Make sure that the crystals are completely dissolved.

No more than five glasses of the product are needed per square meter.

These products can be used to care for any crops. It is also recommended to use the compositions for prevention.

Sometimes you can hear very original advice from experienced gardeners, which turns out to be incredibly useful..

For example, sometimes some unexpected products can be used in the garden..

What two secrets are worth knowing

Using apple cider vinegar

This product can be used to acidify the soil if necessary. It is also a basic product in the case when you need to increase the likelihood of absorption of other nutrients.

This product is used if your fertilizers do not bring any results.

It is recommended to take about 700 ml of apple cider vinegar and 50 ml of ammonia per bucket of water.

Then we water, using four glasses of the product per square meter of plantings.

Citric acid

For exactly the same purpose, you can use a cheaper analogue – citric acid

Sometimes you can hear very original advice from experienced gardeners, which turns out to be incredibly useful..

For example, sometimes some unexpected products can be used in the garden..

What two secrets are worth knowing

Using apple cider vinegar

This product can be used to acidify the soil if necessary. It is also a basic product in the case when you need to increase the likelihood of absorption of other nutrients.

This remedy is used if your fertilizing does not bring any results

Sometimes you can hear very original advice from experienced gardeners, which turns out to be incredibly useful..

For example, sometimes some unexpected products can be used in the garden..

What two secrets are worth knowing

Using apple cider vinegar

This product can be used to acidify the soil if necessary.It is also a basic remedy when you need to increase the likelihood of absorption of other nutrients.

This remedy is used if your fertilizers do not bring any results.

It is recommended to take about 700 ml of apple cider vinegar and 50 ml of ammonia per bucket of water.

Then we water, using four glasses of the product per square meter of plantings.

Citric acid

For exactly the same purpose, you can use a cheaper analogue – citric acid. It is recommended to take a spoon of ammonia and citric acid per bucket of water. Make sure that the crystals are completely dissolved.

No more than five glasses of the product are needed per square meter.

These products can be used to care for any crops. It is also recommended to use the compositions for prevention.

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