Summer residents were told what to feed cabbage with: now is the time

There is no summer resident who does not have cabbage growing in their beds among other vegetables. Everyone counts on its rich harvest...

How to make natural mint syrup: a simple method

Many people sometimes want to diversify their diet with various syrups, but we are scared by the calorie content and composition.. As a...

Stuffed pancakes won’t tear: do this – and you’ll remember the problem with a smile

It's not at all difficult to make thin stuffed pancakes so that they don't tear. What needs to be done for this, says...

How to properly feed raspberries: tips you won’t find anywhere else – how to get a harvest 10 times bigger

In summer, during the formation of ovaries and fruiting, raspberries require special attention and care.. They consist not only of timely watering, weeding...

How to feed beets right now to improve the taste: summer residents revealed the secrets

The taste of beets will depend on many factors: soil quality, correct watering, variety, weather conditions.. Feeding also plays an important role..Not all...

The ideal remedy for tomatoes in early July: add this to a bucket of water – and you get a super fertilizer

At the beginning of the second summer month, summer residents need to feed their tomatoes for the last time this season.. At this...

It is dangerous to dilute tea with unboiled water: truth or myth

Contrary to popular belief, it is not dangerous to dilute tea with unboiled water..We explain why you should not be afraid to add...

A simple remedy for fighting slugs has been named: environmentally friendly and inexpensive

Summer is coming to an end, but it is too early to rest, because there is harvesting ahead, preparing the soil for the...

Braisert kål blir mange ganger deiligere – kokken delte tre triks som gjør kål spesiell

Det finnes noen triks som kan gjøre vanlig braisert kål til et ekte kulinarisk mesterverk.Hvordan forbedre smaken av stuet kål, forteller Belnovosti nettutgaves...

This ‘mandatory’ ingredient is superfluous in syrniki: stop adding it – and you will feel the real taste of the dish

What does the base for syrniki usually consist of? Even inexperienced cooks know the answer to this question.. So, the following products are...

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