What is the use of phacelia as a green manure: not all summer residents know

Before choosing a green manure for your summer cottage, it is worth carefully studying its strengths and weaknesses.. In this case, you will...

Hva du skal gjøre hvis agurkene dine er bitre: tips for å redde resten av avlingen din

Bare fordi én agurk er bitter, betyr ikke det at hele avlingen vil være like usmakelig. Det er nok å gjøre tiltak for...

Agurktriks: hvordan dacha-dyrkere oppnår enorme agurkhøstinger

Hvis du bare drømmer om en god agurkhøst, bør du ikke gi opp og gå til butikken for å kjøpe grønnsaker.I denne artikkelen...

How to protect cucumbers from powdery mildew: the best of folk remedies

Fungal diseases can wipe out half the garden.The most offensive thing is when it comes to the main vegetable crops.. Cucumbers, for example,...

What kind of water to throw frozen dumplings into – cold or boiling: a common mistake of gourmets

The huge popularity of store-bought dumplings is quite understandable: such a dish is prepared quickly and easily.. It is enough to put the...

What to add to jam so that it lasts longer and does not get moldy: only natural ingredients

It is not recommended to eat jam with mold. Even if you remove the first rudiments of growth, you can hardly be sure...

Hvilke 3 feil mange husmødre gjør når de lager grøt: sjekk deg selv

Det ser ut til at det er vanskelig å tenke på en rett som er enklere enn grøt: det er ingen spesielle nyanser...

How to prepare cherries for the winter: a gorgeous recipe – jam-jelly ‘Um otyesh’

If you want to enjoy the magical taste of cherries in the winter, it's time to stock up on a recipe for the...

What to do when cucumber leaves wither and dry up. Tips to help you avoid losing your harvest

Sometimes cucumber leaves start to wither. Before you start doing anything, you need to know the cause of this phenomenon.. This usually occurs...

Hvordan behandle hvitløk i juli: det hemmelige våpenet for en superhøst

Juli er en kritisk måned for hvitløk, når planten avslutter sin vegetative periode og begynner å danne hoder. På denne tiden er hvitløk...

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