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Want to make delicious porridge? Prepare 2 tea bags in advance – and here’s why

Are you going to start making rice, buckwheat or oatmeal porridge?

First, take a couple of tea bags out of the box!

‘What does tea have to do with cereals?’ – many gourmets will probably ask.

Expert of the online publication ‘Belnovosti’ in the field of culinary arts, cook, fourth-class baker Yulia Arkhipova answers: thanks to tea bags, the dish will turn out much more appetizing.

Sounds strange? Anyway, cast aside all doubts and use the culinary trick described below! You will definitely not regret it!

How to use tea bags when cooking porridge

Take a saucepan, pour water into it and throw in tea bags. It is desirable that the bags contain tea without any additives.

Put the dishes on the stove and turn on the burner.

Has the liquid boiled? Wait a couple of minutes, remove the bags and pour in the cereal.

When boiled in tea, the product will be incredibly tasty and will acquire a beautiful color.

As a result, the cook will get an appetizing-looking culinary masterpiece.

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