HomePlanterWhat is the use of phacelia as a green manure: not all...

What is the use of phacelia as a green manure: not all summer residents know

Before choosing a green manure for your summer cottage, it is worth carefully studying its strengths and weaknesses..

In this case, you will be able to find exactly what you need..

For example, phacelia is one of the most popular green manures.

What are its advantages

Not everyone knows that green manure can affect the acidity of the soil: after planting phacelia, there will be no problems with this issue.

Planting phacelia leaves no chance for weeds: there will be very few of them on the site. The plant is also effective in pest control.

As it turned out, the plant will help to overcome the codling moth and wireworm. You can also forget about the nematode.

Phacelia is usually planted if you want to collect a decent harvest of tomatoes afterwards. Cabbage and potatoes also grow well after this green manure.

It is worth noting that the plant is also considered a good honey plant, which is also a significant advantage. For these reasons, many experienced summer residents increasingly choose this particular green manure.

Before choosing a green manure for your summer cottage, it is worth carefully studying its strengths and weaknesses..

In this case, you will be able to find exactly what you need..

For example, phacelia is one of the most popular green manures.

What are its advantages

Not everyone knows that green manure can affect the acidity of the soil: after planting phacelia, there will be no problems with this issue.

Planting phacelia leaves no chance for weeds: there will be very few of them on the site. The plant is also effective in pest control.

As it turned out, the plant will help to overcome the codling moth and wireworm. You can also forget about the nematode.

Phacelia is usually planted if you want to collect a decent harvest of tomatoes afterwards. Cabbage and potatoes also grow well after this green manure.

It is worth noting that the plant is also considered a good honey plant, which is also a significant advantage. For these reasons, many experienced summer residents increasingly choose this particular green manure.

Before choosing green manure for your garden, you should carefully study their strengths and weaknesses..

In this case, you will be able to find exactly what you need..

For example, phacelia is one of the most popular green manures.

What are its advantages?

Not everyone knows that green manure can influence soil acidity levels: after planting phacelia, there will be no problems with this issue.

Planting phacelia leaves no chance for weeds: there will be very few of them on the site.The plant is also effective in pest control.

As it turned out, the plant will help defeat the codling moth and wireworm.You can also forget about the nematode.

It is customary to plant phacelia if you then want to harvest a decent harvest of tomatoes.Cabbage and potatoes also grow well after this green manure.

It is worth noting that the plant is also classified as a good honey plant, which is also a significant advantage.For these reasons, many experienced summer residents are increasingly choosing this particular green manure.

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