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What to do when cucumber leaves wither and dry up. Tips to help you avoid losing your harvest

Sometimes cucumber leaves start to wither. Before you start doing anything, you need to know the cause of this phenomenon..

This usually occurs due to root rot..

At first glance, you might decide that pests are eating away at the cucumber roots.

The disease affects the plant very quickly, the leaves begin to die off and dry up. Root rot can completely destroy the bush.

Everyone knows that chemicals cannot be used during fruiting.

If a small part of the bush is affected, you can use such products as ‘Trichocin’ and ‘Gliocladin’. They do not harm future fruits.

First, collect the fruits and remove the leaves that are affected by root rot. You cannot water the cucumbers at this time.

Then spread mulch under the plantings. Use the product under the root, it should not get on the green leaves.

After that, spray the leaves with ‘Alirin’ and ‘Shum’. If the remedy does not help immediately, repeat the treatment after 5 days.

Sometimes cucumber leaves start to wither. Before you start doing anything, you need to know the cause of this phenomenon..

This usually occurs due to root rot..

At first glance, you might decide that pests are eating away at the cucumber roots.

The disease affects the plant very quickly, the leaves begin to die off and dry up. Root rot can completely destroy the bush.

Everyone knows that chemicals cannot be used during fruiting.

If a small part of the bush is affected, you can use such products as ‘Trichocin’ and ‘Gliocladin’. They do not harm future fruits.

First, collect the fruits and remove the leaves that are affected by root rot. You cannot water the cucumbers at this time.

Then spread mulch under the plantings. Use the product under the root, it should not get on the green leaves.

After that, spray the leaves with ‘Alirin’ and ‘Shum’. If the remedy does not help immediately, repeat the treatment after 5 days.

Sometimes cucumber leaves start to wither. Before you start doing anything, you need to know the cause of this phenomenon..

This usually occurs due to root rot..

At first glance, you might decide that pests are eating away at the cucumber roots.

The disease affects the plant very quickly, the leaves begin to die off and dry up. Root rot can completely destroy the bush.

Everyone knows that chemicals cannot be used during fruiting.

If a small part of the bush is affected, you can use such products as ‘Trichocin’ and ‘Gliocladin’. They do not harm future fruits.

First, collect the fruits and remove the leaves that are affected by root rot. You cannot water the cucumbers at this time.

Then spread mulch under the plantings. Use the product under the root, it should not get on the green leaves.

After that, spray the leaves with ‘Alirin’ and ‘Shum’. If the remedy does not help immediately, repeat the treatment after 5 days.

Sometimes cucumber leaves start to wither. Before you start doing anything, you need to know the cause of this phenomenon..

This usually occurs due to root rot..

At first glance, you might decide that pests are eating away at the cucumber roots.

The disease affects the plant very quickly, the leaves begin to die off and dry up. Root rot can completely destroy the bush.

Everyone knows that chemicals cannot be used during fruiting.

If a small part of the bush is affected, you can use such products as ‘Trichocin’ and ‘Gliocladin’. They do not harm future fruits.

First, collect the fruits and remove the leaves that are affected by root rot. You cannot water the cucumbers at this time.

Then spread mulch under the plantings. Use the product under the root, it should not get on the green leaves.

Sometimes cucumber leaves start to wither. Before you start doing anything, you need to know the cause of this phenomenon..

This usually occurs due to root rot..

At first glance, you might decide that pests are eating away at the cucumber roots.

The disease affects the plant very quickly, the leaves begin to die off and dry up. Root rot can completely destroy the bush.

Everyone knows that chemicals cannot be used during fruiting.

If a small part of the bush is affected, you can use such products as ‘Trichocin’ and ‘Gliocladin’

Sometimes cucumber leaves begin to wither. Before you start doing anything, you need to know the cause of this phenomenon..

This usually occurs through root rot..

At first glance, you may decide that pests are eating the cucumber roots.

The disease affects the plant very quickly, the leaves begin to die and dry out. Root rot can completely destroy the bush.

Everyone knows that chemicals cannot be used during fruiting.

If a small part of the bush is affected, you can use such products as ‘Trichocin’ and ‘Gliocladin’. They do not harm future fruits.

First, collect the fruits and remove the leaves that are affected by root rot. You cannot water the cucumbers at this time.

Then spread mulch under the plantings. Use the product under the root, it should not get on the green leaves.

After this, spray the leaves with ‘Alirin’ and ‘Shum’. If the product does not help immediately, repeat the treatment after 5 days.

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