HomePlanterWhat to do with raspberries right now to collect berries by the...

What to do with raspberries right now to collect berries by the bucketful next year: not all summer residents know

It is always important to remember that caring for bushes after harvesting is necessary..

In this case, the raspberries will not ‘offend’ you next year either..

What should be done with the plant right now?


You can wait until the end of the month with this procedure, but it is mandatory to carry it out. In this case, next year’s harvest can be much richer than this season.


The raspberries have given up all their reserves during fruiting, so it’s time to replenish them.

The classic option for this time of year is compost with manure. They will need to be applied ten kilograms per square meter of raspberry.

Superphosphate will also be useful. You will need 50 grams for the same area. You can also add potassium sulfate. Forty grams will be enough.


Before the cold weather, it is customary to use three buckets of water every 72 hours for each bush. This amount of liquid will be quite sufficient.

Remember that the water must be preheated in order not to increase the risk of diseases.

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