HomePlanterWhat to treat cucumbers with right now to prolong fruiting: not all...

What to treat cucumbers with right now to prolong fruiting: not all summer residents know

Many are now enjoying home-grown cucumbers, since the long-awaited period of active fruiting has arrived..

However, this process does not last long for everyone..

If you want the fruiting process to be as long as possible, you need to prepare special ‘treats’ for the vegetable crop.

What can you feed the plant with


The easiest way to increase the yield of cucumbers is to periodically ‘sprinkle’ ash directly under each bush before watering.

You can also make various solutions based on ash.

An ideal complex fertilizer

Many experienced gardeners use this composition twice during the fruiting process. This allows you to significantly increase the yield.

You need to make the following mixture.

To do this, take about two liters of compost and stir it in a bucket of water. Then add 50 grams of superphosphate. Also, enhance the product with one large spoon of nitrophoska. The composition is used for watering.

For spraying

The recipe for the product is simple: dissolve a half-liter jar of mullein in a bucket of water and treat the cucumbers.

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