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How to choose pollock: even cheap fish will be tasty if it is fresh

As a rule, pollock is sold frozen, but it also happens that the seller offers whole fresh fish..

How to choose a quality product, chef Yulia Arkhipova, an expert of the online publication BelNovosti, told.

Signs of fresh fish

Before buying, make sure that the pollock has bulging and clear eyes, and the gills are red and free of spots. Another important sign of freshness of fish is the absence of mucus or plaque on the surface of the carcass.

And, of course, don’t be shy about smelling the fish: it should smell fresh, without impurities.

If you buy a fish without a head, pay attention to the absence of scars and yellow spots on the carcass.

Those who prefer fillets should make sure that its surface is light, uniform and without spots.

How to cut pollock

It’s quite easy to do: processing this small fish will take you no more than 15 minutes.

Wash the carcass, trim the fins, gut and clean from scales. Make a cut along the spine, divide into two parts and remove the bones.

Finally, cut the fish into pieces.

Earlier, BelNovosti told what kind of butter to buy in the store.

As a rule, pollock is sold frozen, but it also happens that the seller offers whole fresh fish..

How to choose a quality product, chef Yulia Arkhipova, an expert of the online publication BelNovosti, told.

Signs of fresh fish

Before buying, make sure that the pollock has bulging and clear eyes, and the gills are red and free of spots. Another important sign of freshness of fish is the absence of mucus or plaque on the surface of the carcass.

And, of course, don’t be shy about smelling the fish: it should smell fresh, without impurities.

If you buy a fish without a head, pay attention to the absence of scars and yellow spots on the carcass.

Those who prefer fillets should make sure that its surface is light, uniform and without spots.

How to cut pollock

It’s quite easy to do: processing this small fish will take you no more than 15 minutes.

Wash the carcass, trim the fins, gut and clean from scales. Make a cut along the spine, divide into two parts and remove the bones.

Finally, cut the fish into pieces.

Earlier, BelNovosti told what kind of butter to buy in the store.

As a rule, pollock is sold frozen, but it also happens that the seller offers whole fresh fish..

How to choose a quality product, chef Yulia Arkhipova, an expert of the online publication BelNovosti, told.

Signs of fresh fish

Before buying, make sure that the pollock has bulging and clear eyes, and the gills are red and free of spots. Another important sign of freshness of fish is the absence of mucus or plaque on the surface of the carcass.

And, of course, don’t be shy about smelling the fish: it should smell fresh, without impurities.

If you buy a fish without a head, pay attention to the absence of scars and yellow spots on the carcass.

Those who prefer fillets should make sure that its surface is light, uniform and without spots.

How to cut pollock

It’s quite easy to do: processing this small fish will take you no more than 15 minutes.

Wash the carcass, trim the fins, gut and clean from scales. Make a cut along the spine, divide into two parts and remove the bones.

Finally, cut the fish into pieces.

Earlier, BelNovosti told what kind of butter to buy in the store.

As a rule, pollock is sold frozen, but it also happens that the seller offers whole fresh fish..

How to choose a quality product, chef Yulia Arkhipova, an expert of the online publication BelNovosti, told.

Signs of fresh fish

Before buying, make sure that the pollock has bulging and clear eyes, and the gills are red and free of spots. Another important sign of freshness of fish is the absence of mucus or plaque on the surface of the carcass.

And, of course, don’t be shy about smelling the fish: it should smell fresh, without impurities.

If you buy a fish without a head, pay attention to the absence of scars and yellow spots on the carcass.

Those who prefer fillets should make sure that its surface is light, uniform and without spots.

How to cut pollock

It’s quite easy to do: processing this small fish will take you no more than 15 minutes

As a rule, pollock is sold frozen, but it also happens that the seller offers whole fresh fish..

How to choose a quality product, chef Yulia Arkhipova, an expert of the online publication BelNovosti, told.

Signs of fresh fish

Before buying, make sure that the pollock has bulging and clear eyes, and the gills are red and free of spots. Another important sign of freshness of fish is the absence of mucus or plaque on the surface of the carcass.

And, of course, don’t be shy about smelling the fish: it should smell fresh, without any impurities.

If you buy a fish without a head, pay attention to the absence of scars and yellow spots on the carcass.

As a rule, pollock is sold frozen, but it also happens that the seller offers whole fresh fish..

How to choose a quality product, the expert of the online publication ‘BelNovosti’ chef Yulia Arkhipova told.

Signs of fresh fish

Before buying, make sure that the pollock has bulging and clear eyes, and the gills are red and without spots. Another important sign of freshnessfish – absence of mucus or plaque on the surface of the carcass.

And, of course, do not hesitate to smell the fish: it should have a fresh smell, without impurities.

If you buy a fish without a head, pay attention to the absence of scars and yellow spots on the carcass.

Those who prefer fillet should make sure that its surface is light, uniform and free of blemishes.

How to cut pollock

This is quite easy to do: processing this small fish will take you no more than 15 minutes.

Wash the carcass, trim the fins, gut and clean from scales. Make a cut along the spine, divide into two parts and remove the bones.

Finally, cut the fish into pieces.

Earlier, BelNovosti told what kind of butter to buy in the store.

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