Hvordan salt lodde: tørr metode – for de som ikke har tid til å vente

Hvis du vil nyte salt lodde, men ikke har tid til å lage saltlake, kan du prøve tørrmetoden.For å få jevn salting, ta...

Why smart gardeners collect plastic bottles: with the help of these containers, you can protect many plants

Many people think that empty plastic bottles are just trash. But experienced gardeners think completely differently. They know that plastic containers can...

What to water peppers with: folk fertilizer from available ingredients

Every gardener dreams of growing fleshy and juicy bell peppers. But not everyone succeeds in this in hot and dry summers. At...

What to serve shashlik with: just not ketchup or mayonnaise

Shashlik is not usually served with potatoes, porridge or pasta. They say that this is not very good for digestion, and such a...

How to quickly prepare hearty zucchini pancakes: the secret is in two ingredients

Zucchini pancakes are a tasty and almost dietary dish - it all depends on the amount of flour and method of preparation.. But...

Hvordan høste agurker riktig: ikke alle grønnsaksgartnere kjenner reglene

Det finnes flere regler for innhøsting av agurker som avgjør hvor godt og hvor lenge avlingen vil holde seg. Ikke alle grønnsaksdyrkere vet...

Hvordan overtale tomater til å rødme raskere: dacha-dyrkere deler sine hemmeligheter

Alle vet at tomater noen ganger bokstavelig talt 'nekter' å modnes i tide. I et slikt tilfelle er det bare to muligheter.Vårt magasins...

How to make borscht unforgettable: the main tricks of a delicious soup are named

Every cook has a lot of options for improving the quality of borscht, since everyone wants to present a culinary masterpiece, and not...

How to understand that it is time to harvest beets: the main signs are named

Many people are used to focusing on dates when determining the harvest date, but this may not always be the right decision.. Sometimes...

Hva er sunnest å drikke: kaffe med eller uten melk?

Noen drikker utelukkende svart kaffe, fordi de mener at tilsetning av melk opphever de helsemessige fordelene ved den forfriskende drikken.Forskere hevder imidlertid at melk...

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